On February 21, 1982 I began the specialization in Ophthalmology at the Virgen de las Nieves Health City in Granada, directed by Professor D. José Gálvez Montes. The road traveled to reach that place and at that time was long and thoughtful. They had spent 2 years as an intern student of Surgery at the San Cecilio Hospital Clinic in Granada, at the Orders, and never better said, of Professor Vara Torbec and a year in Urology at the Virgen del Pino Health Residence in Gran Canaria , although in reality rotating through the General Surgery service, under the orders of Dr. Nuñez. So my training was almost exclusively surgical. That year in Gran Canaria would mark my future decision. Like so many peninsulars, the island immediately became too small for me, I tried my luck again at the MIR and I was faced with the dilemma of doing the specialty that I wanted. After much deliberation and talking with each other, I decided to follow an unprecedented path for me: ophthalmology. And I chose precisely Granada and that service.

These notes are the fruit of 4 years of study in Granada. Most are handwritten, as computers did not exist at that time. Weekly a topic was presented to all service members by residents. The speaker knew him at the time, by drawing drawn with a tome from Duke-Elder's System Ophthalmology. Each one a number and the one whose number coincided with the center of the page through which the book was opened would touch him. In other words, to study every week.

The vast majority have as a skeleton of the subject the one developed by Duke-Elder in his encyclopedia. The coating is provided by multiple books that existed in the ophthalmology library of the San Cecilio Clinical Hospital, attached to the University of Granada, and which they kindly allowed us to photocopy. Thanks to that generosity I was able to read authors such as Shepeens, L'Esperance, Hugonier, Yanuzi, Ryan ...

I have thought it interesting to publish them as they were made. Perhaps its scientific interest may be overcome by the vicissitudes of time, but it is a not inconsiderable historical document and made available to those who wish to browse them.