The material resources of the Unit for the development of the specialty and its different areas are distributed among the ophthalmological units of Hospital Torrecárdenas, Centro Periférico de Especialidades Bola Azul, CARE Nicolás Salmerón and CHARE el Toyo, all included in the HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO TORRECÁRDENAS.

The surgical hospitalization area is located in the Torrecárdenas Specialties Hospital, preferably on the 2nd Floor A. Hospital stays derived from patients under 16 years of age (pediatric age) are admitted to the new Maternal-Infant building.

The Torrecárdenas Hospital, CARE Nicolás Salmerón and the C.P.E. Bola Azul has a classic paper-document archive of medical records.
The management of computerized medical records is carried out through the GESIPAC and DIRAYA programs, as well as the Unit's own databases.
All devices meet the standards required in the L.P.D.

The area of ​​external consultations is located in the C.P.E. Bola Azul and at CARE Nicolás Salmerón. It consists of 16 rooms: 1 Secretariat with capacity for 3 administrative staff and two CPUs in an intranet / Internet network, in addition to the necessary material for the activity.

  • 1 Office for the management of the unit.
  • 4 Consultations for special tests: Angiofluoresceingraphy, OCT, AngioOCT, Topography, all with a computer connected to the intranet and computerized campimetry.
  • 1 Consultation with equipment: computerized refractometers, manual and computerized biometer and lensmeter.
  • 8 Consultations equipped with computer equipment (2 CPUs for each one, in an intra-consultation network and with the hospital network, with a connection to receive data from the special examination units). All have refraction units (optotype projector, optotypes with contrast sensitivity scale, lens box, Siegrist lamp), slit lamps, applanation tonometers, and material for direct and indirect funduscopy, that is, all with the possibility to perform general ophthalmology consultations.
    There is one dedicated to children's ophthalmology, which also has a Maddox Cross, Synoptometer, Worth Lights, Lancaster Test, Pigassou children's optotypes, prism bars, stereopsis tests, etc.
  • 1 laser consultation, with two slit lamps, Argon laser through diode unit and Neodymium-Yag laser and laser therapy lenses: peripheral Abraham, central for capsulotomies, Goldmann 3 mirrors and Panfunduscópicas).
  • 2 retinal consultations with direct connection to receive data from OCTs, retinography and angiography, and an ocular ultrasound unit. In these consultations, data from the Diabetic Retinopathy Early Detection Program are received through an internet connection with retinographers located in Primary Care Centers.
  • Two glaucoma consultations with ultrasonic pachymeters and a computerized target IOP determination system.
  • The rest is dedicated to Cornea and Anterior Pole Oculoplasty.
  • We also have generic and specific expendable and surgical material for the performance of minor outpatient procedures (refractomies, cures, etc.), performed in consultation.
  • 1 Consultation in C.A.R.E. Nicolas Salmeron with computerized refractometer, biometer and manual lensmeter, refraction unit, slit lamp, applanation tonometer, and material for direct and indirect funduscopy, provided with generic and specific expendable and surgical material for the performance of minor outpatient procedures (rafectomies, cures, etc.), in consultation.

Emergency patients are cared for in the Ophthalmology Box of the Emergency Area (Semi-Basement floor). It has wall optotypes, slit lamp, applanation tonometer, and material for direct and indirect funduscopy. It is provided with generic and specific expendable and surgical material for the performance of minor outpatient procedures: extraction of foreign bodies, reafectomies, cures, etc. There is 1 FEA of presence in the morning and one FEA located the rest of the time until 24 hours are covered. Surgical emergencies are performed in the Ophthalmology operating room (No. 6 on the 2nd Floor). Since November 2007, the computerized management of emergencies is supported and managed by the DIRAYA program.

They are distributed between the surgical units of Hospital Torrecárdenas, and Hospital CHARE del Toyo.

- Surgical microscopes: 3
- Phacoemulsifiers: 3
- Vitrectomes: 2
- Cryotherapy and diathermy unit: 2
- Endolasers: 2

Both operating rooms have the necessary expendable and surgical material for all types of ophthalmological surgery.
Usually 1 to 2 weekly surgical operating rooms are arranged and scheduled with hospitalization at the Torrecárdenas Hospital and which are distributed among the Retina-Vitreous, Children's and Oculoplasty sections.

Weekly the service has 3 to 4 operating rooms for CMA and / or outpatient surgery at Hospital CHARE del Toyo, which are distributed among the Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma and Oculoplasty sections.

The unit is equipped with computers with terminals connected to the Internet and the hospital intranet.
In total 23 terminals or PCs, which are used for the following purposes:

Digital Archive of Clinical Histories
Citation of Consultation Agendas
Reception in consultation of clinical images
Angiograms (in connection with our angiographic system)
- OCTs and Angio-OCT (in connection with our OCT system)
- Radiological Images (In connection with the Radiology Service)
- Diabetes program retinographies
Reception of clinical data
- Hematological, biochemical and microbiological results (in connection with the CHTC laboratories)
Management of Electronic Prescription of medicines
- Electronic prescription
- UNIDOSIS program for admitted patients
- Search for scientific information
- Internet search
- Use of the Virtual Library (BVSSPA)
All devices comply with the L.P.D.
Unit staff regularly receive education and training courses for the effective management of computer resources.